August 4, 2021 1:46 pm
Want to know more about our Monday morning Mindfulness course?
Here’s a testimonial from one of Helens recent class participants…..
“I can’t recommend the classes highly enough. I came thinking I knew a little about mindfulness but the course has really helped me understand the varied scope and benefits.
Each week we talked about a different aspect of mindfulness and heard stories and examples of them all. We learned different ways to practice and understand them.
Using the journal to jot notes during the class and continue some of the exercises during the week has been invaluable. I use it now as my own personal reference guide. I often dip into it and find some aspect I’d forgotten about. There is no ‘one size fits all’ and some days I may be drawn more to mindful movement or forest bathing, other days I might try doodling, free flow writing or Hapazome. I can refer to my journal if I am anxious, sad, angry, happy or tired – there will be a mindful practice to suit every mood and I find I am now instinctively including mindfulness in my daily life. It has made me calmer and more appreciative of my life. I think it has probably improved relationships with others too.
I really enjoyed the extra nature connections bits. I am now very much more aware of all my senses when I walk – even my sense of taste as I learned about some edible plants.”
If you are interested in attending our weekly class on Monday or want any more information please call Helen on 07951 289812 or email [email protected]